Fundamental Fun: 132 activities to develop fundamental movement skills

Here are two videos of me working with teachers, coaches and children on some of my 'Fundamental Fun' book ideas, in the UK (2016) and Australia (2020).
My book is available directly from me for purchase (GBP 28.00 or AUD 48, including p&p in UK/Australia. Postage is extra for other countries). I also accept other currencies via PayPal and p&p varies according to each country. Please e-mail me:
'Fundamental Fun' offers a bank of creative, cross-curricular ideas to help primary and early years practitioners prepare a comprehensive fundamental movement skills development plan. The play-based physical activities in this book are designed for children aged 4-8 years, but they can easily be modified for use with kindergarten and upper primary students, since it is well known that children develop at different rates at different times. There are three groups of activities in this resource, targeting body management, locomotor and object control skills. Each activity is explained in detail, with differentiation advice and teaching cues so that children of all capabilities are catered for. The following fundamental movement skills are included: balance on one foot, line or beam walk, climb, forward roll (body management skills); sprint run, hop, jump for distance, jump for height, skip, gallop, side gallop, dodge, continuous leap (locomotor skills); catch, overhand throw, underhand throw, chest pass, kick, punt, two-handed strike, hand dribble, foot dribble (object control skills).
Link to some sample book pages.
FMS-based journal & magazine articles of mine
2022: Jefferson-Buchanan, R. (2022). Teaching fundamental movement skills through play-based pedagogy. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 93(8), 28-33.
2019: Jefferson-Buchanan, R. (2019). Creative, play-based practice. Early Years Childcarer, 12, 40-41.
2018: Jefferson-Buchanan, R. (2018). Individualising play-based skill learning. Early Years Childcarer, 11, 40-41.
2018: Jefferson-Buchanan, R. (2018) Play is the way. Education Matters (Primary), 50-51.
2018: Jefferson-Buchanan, R. (2018). Developing fundamental movement skills critical for young children. Australian Teacher Magazine.
2018: Jefferson-Buchanan, R. (2018). The science of movement. Early Years Carer, 10, 40-41.
2017: Jefferson-Buchanan, R. (2017). BLOG: Learning FMS through differentiated play-based activities. Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation (ACHPER).
2016: Jefferson-Buchanan, R. (2016). Traces of discourses and governmentality within the content and implementation of the Western Australian Fundamental Movement Skills programme (STEPS Professional Development). International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education, 44(5).
2011: Jefferson-Buchanan, R. (2011). The fundamental movement skills programme (STEPS PD). Physical development challenges and opportunities in the primary school context. In A. Howe & V. Richards (Eds.), Bridging the transition from primary to secondary school (pp. 113-126). Routledge.
2010: Jefferson-Buchanan, R. (2010). Early movement skills. Early Years Educator, 12(8), 30-32.
2009: Jefferson-Buchanan, R. (2009). Resources pages: Early years. Fundamental fun. Dance Matters, 56, 16-17.
2005: Jefferson-Buchanan, R. (2005). Fundamental movement skills in dance: A health perspective. Dance Matters, 44, 2-3.